Sunday, January 18, 2009


early morning, preparation and set out ..
walk walk walk ..
First Aider at Checkpoint 2(:
with 2 other f.a. (Benjamin&Guoying), Min, Andy & two another volunteers
And it is at Macritchie Reservoir, in th middle of nowhere.
Lucky thing is we are at a hut(:

Our checkpoint 2 is quite fun~
Participants have to find 12 hidden morse codes in th boundaries.
I helped to hide 3 out of 12 !! :D
Real garlic and chili(:
They say it is to prevent rain & make th weather hot.
It works !

Located all alone in th middle of th routes.
To cheer th participants and lead them to th correct path(:
while waiting .. I cant help but to camwhore abit.

And I saw JASON!!!:D
He took part representing Innova JC.
And also MDM CHIN!!!:D
she was taking a stroll at Macritchie
At first I really feel like taking part in th race ..
but when our checkpoint is cleared.
We need to walk to checkpoint 3 to assemble.
just by walking from checkpoint 2 to 3..
I am already so tired =.=
then i was thinking ," lucky I didnt take part" lol.
Finished line : participants get to slide down!
Some of th things th participants have to do ..
Climb high flat, Run/walk long distances, Kayaking, Cycling,
eat funny things(like rare egg), draw their faces etc

th top and Nisa(:

Good thing : No major injuries(:
Bad thing : We got nothing to do.
And we got demoted from First Aider to Water pourer

Did some spring cleaning today(:
Quite rare cos I am lazy, I admit .
Cleared boxes . Tidy up my old lectures notes .
found my old notebook which I used during sec school(:
and so many things filled with memories.

Abit not feeling well now..
Hope I will feel better tomorrow.


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