Thursday, August 13, 2009

A new simple layout

Heehee. I wanted to change my blogskin, again! But couldnt find the background I like etc etc, so ended up using blogger template and it's so nice & simple. and I love it:) for the time being.

My weekends are going to be so fun, cos I am working at Suntec Toys, Games & Comics Convention for the weekends :) Alice and Rm are working there as well.
Will be at Joe Ledbetter's booth with Rm tomorrow onwards:)

And first day is not bad. Just that I'm starving and keep a little hypo plus angry 'cos I didn't get to eat! Saw some real eeee-yer girls there, *details kept confidential*

Yes, Mr lovely I will miss you so much for the next few days for not seeing you! Do come to the convention when you are free! And buy me many many toys there!:P

Anyway will blog sooooooooooon, hopefully with pictures :)

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