hohohohohohoho. MISS ME!?
Okay, I am a bit confused with the dates and days now. Been busy working & having fun during off days. So my post will be in great mess, photos not in order. Anyway I've got so much photos that I might not blog most of them.

Last friday we went marina barrage out of randomness :)
With love, alice, rm, lihao, wb, manda & wl.
Actually there is alot alot alot of random pictures. But I am very lazy to upload. LOL!

with mr love.
with mr love.
(Photo stolen from Darren's FB)

Made this for the EXCO May babies with my baby.
Their eyes are their names(in short form) .
Btw DAR is not short form for DARling but DARren.
Sunday meet up with the EXCO, :)
and it's really funny.. cos everyone is surprised about me & Jiarui. Asking really cute questions etc and said we are compatible! LOL.
That time we saw CheeChuan , he is even more shocked to see us together. lol!

A cute picture of me & tohjiarui(mr boyfriend aka baby) with Evonne & Yiks' balloon.

Made this for the EXCO May babies with my baby.
Their eyes are their names(in short form) .
Btw DAR is not short form for DARling but DARren.
Sunday meet up with the EXCO, :)
and it's really funny.. cos everyone is surprised about me & Jiarui. Asking really cute questions etc and said we are compatible! LOL.
That time we saw CheeChuan , he is even more shocked to see us together. lol!
A cute picture of me & tohjiarui(mr boyfriend aka baby) with Evonne & Yiks' balloon.
I spent my Monday & Tuesday with love(: 
Watched MONSTERS VS ALIENS and I really love it!!:) The movie is really very funny, catch it for some real good laugh.

Watched MONSTERS VS ALIENS and I really love it!!:) The movie is really very funny, catch it for some real good laugh.
Movies to watch. Picnic plan. Sembawang-to-Tampines plan postponed. Bought our lunchboxes. Shopping around. Eateateat. Lazed around. Just enjoying the company. So many plans but not much time, I got work! He got work! MORE TIME PLEASEEEEEEEEE

Lovely Treat from MOF:)
Lovely Treat from MOF:)
OMGOMGOMGOMG. you all should try:D
AH! I realised recently my zhilian mood is gone! this is my last decent zhilian photo..

Recently .. sleepy eyes, no make up, new pimples, bad hair.
Okay NORIN! Time to tone back(:
Baby still must love me ok!?
Tomorrow is back to work in the ward. So holiday-mood after the off days........ next week will be my first time working during the weekends!!!:O
for being together:)
last long long long.
____________OUR STORY_____________
Jiarui & I know each other through this .

Back in 2004.. We just went to watch the same movie and happened to bump into each other in the cinema. His drink spilled onto my jacket, and he said he will pay me back. So we exchanged numbers and 4 years later... he FINALLY contacted me and give me back the money. .......
We really did know each other through the movie "I DO I DO" but it was because both of us were helping out in the movie as crews:)

That was so so long ago when both of us are still 15 years old. But then we did not contact for a very long period of time, and suddenly in the middle of nowhere we managed to keep in touch again. It was a on-off-on-off contact. Then he introduced me to the voluntary work with the EXCO when I was having my long holiday last year. This is how I know the EXCOs(: but we didn't get very close because of the camp. Smses just get more frequent, more meeting-ups etc. Which draw us even closer... :)

I guess it's kind of magical .. how we both ended up together. (:

Hope this love will lasts. (:
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