Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A story about a boy and a girl

Jiarui & I know each other through this .
Back in 2004.. We just went to watch the same movie and happened to bump into each other in the cinema. His drink spilled onto my jacket, and he said he will pay me back. So we exchanged numbers and 4 years later... he FINALLY contacted me and give me back the money. .......
We really did know each other through the movie "I DO I DO" but it was because both of us were helping out in the movie as crews:)
That was so so long ago when both of us are still 15 years old. But then we did not contact for a very long period of time, we got our own life & love and suddenly in the middle of nowhere we managed to keep in touch again. It was a on-off-on-off contact. I asked for his help for my project, then he introduced me to the voluntary work with the EXCO when I was having my long holiday last year. This is how I know the EXCOs(: but we didn't get very close because of the camp. Smses just get more frequent, more meeting-ups etc. Which draw us even closer... :)
I guess it's kind of magical .. how we both ended up together. (:
My birthday is on the 24th Jan, His is on the 24th July. Our anniversary is on the 24th of May. This is why the number twenty-four is so special to us. (:
Hope this love will lasts<3

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