Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Some pictures(:

ROAR ~ !

Update again(:
Going orchestra practice after sooooo long.
(didn't go in th end, cos suyee called zheng laoshi
and asked if need guzheng, he say not for this practice)

Makeup-less. close up!
Supper-ed with th silly people(:
They never failed to make me laugh.

and we do silly things in th carpark.
& "trigger" the car's alarm, not once but twice!

Hope you are not too slow to get th meaning of this picture.

then is car journey back home~:)

Watched "My Bloody Valentine" with Junchao.
It's a 3D version!:)

Quite a nice movie, but abit gross and bloody.

With th 3D glasses(:


It's lunch gathering again with th silly people(:
Bitching session, silly jokes, laughing non stop
Th ice lemon tea-straw incident, you know i know. LOL.
I love them(:

But I think I look quite nice this way.. :)


Look & figure will eventually fade away,
or there will be always someone else who is better than you.
So when that happen, pray hard that th love stays

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