Friday, June 13, 2014


Finally I got a new laptop!! *blush* 
Was choosing between Macbook air and Microsoft Surface Pro

Macbook air 11" was what I always wanted!!
Chic and light, for me to carry it around the world
plus now I am iPhone user. 
Using macbook will be a easier way to be able to sync all photos/music etc 

Microsoft surface pro became one of my choices when I changed to iPhone,
I can't draw as often as I can, compared to when I was using my Note1.
Surface Pro allows me to do that!! It has got a stylus!! 
Function like a tablet and a laptop

But sad news is Surface Pro is out of stock in Singapore and Pro 2 is not coming to Singapore :/
So no need to decide anymore...
MACBOOK AIR 11" it shall be ~
Vamvam is so nice to ask around his friends for better rates, we got it 15% cheaper :)

Presenting my new laptop!
(drew with my Note 1, still keeping it as a drawing pad)

And hopefully I will start to blog more often here :)
I know no one is reading my blog now but I still want to blog, for my future self.

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