I am holding back my urge to post on my dayre!! haha
Every time when I checked in to the hotel room..
First thing I will do is to switch on the TV because I can't stand the room being so quiet.. after all I have to stay in the room alone, some TV noise will be good company :)
and then I will take photos of my room & send to my family group chat and to vamvam.. it is also a way to inform my mom that I have reached my destination.
spacious hallway~~
Staying at InterContinental hotel.
And yay to Queen sized bed!!!! :*)
And another yay to bathtub!!!!! ❤
BUBBLEEEEEEEEE BATH~ make one really happy
omg.. i really wanna go and cross the bridge over to the stadium.. don't know for what reason. But I just want to go there!!!!! *.*
we did a overnight flight over to Adelaide.. I was sooooo hungry!!!!!
Actually after every flight.. I always feel hungry. Must be all the hard work.. self proclaimed.
So this hotel got this $10 ausd meal for us.... I ordered the meat lover pizza!
Ok, time to hit the bed.
And maybe later go & cross the bridge! haha
Adelaide is oh so cold now... and its windy AND rainy. There was a few episodes of heavy shower earlier in the morning.
TIME CHECK: 1148am (1 and half hour ahead of Singapore)
Been awake for: Almost 24 hours.
I dozed off on the bed..
like this!! lol. After I have showered, wrap my hair with towel & somehow unknowingly dozed off. then auto wake up due to coldness
It was already late afternoon 3 pm +. So I decided to head out to buy dinner and tomorrow's breakfast alone. At the same time, to cross the bridge I saw from my room!! ^^
like this!! lol. After I have showered, wrap my hair with towel & somehow unknowingly dozed off. then auto wake up due to coldness
It was already late afternoon 3 pm +. So I decided to head out to buy dinner and tomorrow's breakfast alone. At the same time, to cross the bridge I saw from my room!! ^^
It is so gloomy!!!! Plus the occasionally rain and non stop wind, it is so cold! (10 degrees!!)
Piled on with all the clothes that I packed over. I did not pack my scarf over so I used my another dress as scarf! haha.
Borrowed an umbrella from the hotel but I didn't use it because it was too windy!!! I couldn't hold on to the umbrella without feeling that I will be blown away by the wind :/
The round curvy building that I can see from my room is Adelaide Oval!
It is their stadium which football and cricket games are held at.
From the stadium, I can see this beautiful building. Actually I can also see it from my room! It looked so distinct and somehow magically because of the orangey light that is cast on the building...
Got tempted to walk over to have a closer look although it was out of the way I was going..
ahhhhh. worth it :)
If only the weather is less gloomy..
now it make the picture looked kinda evil/creepy
I went to google it and found that this building is called
It is opened to public but have to book an appt before that.
Gloomy and rainy days make people sad when they wanna go out.
Only good for days you want to snuggle in bed.
And unknowingly I have crossed the Adelaide bridge.
One last photo taken outside.. then the Sun set and it get too dark to take any more photo.
Okay!! Thats all!!!!
I just going to snuggle in bed watching drama now!!!!!! :*)
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