Monday, May 03, 2010

It's been a long time...

I dont mean to neglect my blog.. but my life now is sort of all about working. & to blog about it, it seems quite boring. Example:
"Today I woke up at 5.45am. Washed up, eat breakfast then make my way to work. Reached at 7plus am then prepare for the day. Do my junior routines, then the day goes on. Scrub/Circulate, Tea Break, Scrub/Circulate, Lunch, Scrub/Circulate, Off work. If I am going out & there's time, I will bathe. Go out.. Now that I'm home, I need to washed up & all. Sleeping soon! So tiring!! Another day tomorrow.."
See! The entry is so boring right? so must understand. haha

Some photos to brighten up the post :)
New add-ons to my working crocs!
the dying camwhore mood....
the new trend of wearing spects during work.
the mystery girl in red.
the little corner of ours.
the singing session with the twos.

and going to Dongxia's wedding~ @ 1 Rochester Park
something to represents the normal angbao.
(Didn't manage to take a proper photo of the pretty bride!)
Pretty Dongxia, handsome groom. Good food, good atmosphere.
the sweetest thing is our name on our respective seats.
I think that's all for this time!! be back blogging soon~

21 more days to our anniversary ~ (:

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