Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Flying Clock...

blink blink blink.
Nine months has passed :)
Oh Toh Jiarui!! I really love you so so so so so so so much!!
I know you love love love love me tooooooo! :D

We went Science Centre for the Body Worlds (:
A few hours of sleep after my nightshift.
Science Centre now is giving out 2000 tickets to nurses!!
Just bring along your staff nurse/nursing cert to science centre visitor/reception centre & ask for it.
You can get free entry to science centre & body worlds.
Provided you have off days from today to the 6th March 2010. hahahaha.
abit too short time huh,
I got the news from Aunty June(:
So Lovely & I only need to pay for one ticket.
(the dates are different, I just realised!!!!!)
Body Worlds is okay, very eye opening & educational.
See the lung stamp! I could have collected all the body parts stamp!!!! tsk. when I wanted to collect, it is already the last & I am lazy to walk back!! tsk tsk. but a bit childish also.
Here ... Make you hungry.
PepperLunch Craving now.(:
Dinner with the girls before night shift is not adviseable. Make me so not in working mood.
Working is the same.
I got that thought but after talking to a colleague... I hope I can be like that too. Okay Norin, give yourself more time. not too much & also more hardworking pleaseeeee.. observe. think. write. remember(hardest). Tolerating isnt a problem to me, I can tahan all the scolding, shouting, criticize and sarcastic words. But I still think there is a limit to it. If I deserved it, I won't mind. But sometimes it is just ______________________________.
Okay, end of work topic.
I got to sleep already. boo. afternoom shift.


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