Monday, January 04, 2010

Her first post in 2010

Happy Two-thousand and Ten :)
Four days had passed, so far so good. Not much new year feel. Feel weird about writing the year(xx/xx/10)!
I had my countdown at a bar @ dempsey hill with Toh Jiarui & his friends. It's a place with very good atmosphere to chill, good drinks and all. But I was too tired.. so ended up didnt really enjoy the atmosphere there. And the people there abit lag.. after we countdown-ed on our own quietly,  then they start to do the counting down. lol.

cranberry with vodlka isn't bad (:

And I went Kusu Island on the 010110. with Toh Jiarui & his family (:

Have you heard of that island?! It's my first time hearing it, and my first time going there. It's only an island filled with many many tortoises in different sizes! Yes, there are real big ones!

and also well-known two temples which is the reason we go there.
. Surprisely it's under Sentosa! And need to sit a very long ferry, that also go to ST JOHN Island(another which I dont know about).

I never wear make up cos of the morning rushness, and very camera shy.
iya. my blogging mood gone already

I want to be selfish, and have him all by myself (:
blog again..........................bye.

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