Tuesday, December 29, 2009

She is back with a long post.. (:

2009 is coming to the end. 2010 is approaching in a flash.
This year was a rather good one :)
I got so much to blog! I must blog it out... for memories sake.
This past week is such a fun & happy & memorable week.
22nd December, there is a talk "Service Heart Quality Mind" for all the new nurses! So no work, and after the talk we had gathering! 17 of us dined at Fish & Co. and early xmas gift exchange :)

and we planned a surprise for the christmas baby.

And she sure is(or was) surprised! lol. But the fish & co. guy nearly ruined our surprise la. Stupid, we gave him the "ok-now-can-serve-the-cake" look and he replied us loud, "Yup we are preparing the cake now" .... -.- and Alene was looking at us eye big big. lol. But still she didnt quite expect it :)

tear somemore!

and then happily opening our present for her:) Although dont look like she is happy but she IS happy. The present is a watch, and she loves it!

typing this post half way.. I feel like eating mussels. boo. out of topic!
then we exchanged presents!!!!!!! Mine given to Kwangli & I received this from Mak.

Summarized: Some went back, and the rest went Mind's. AND the next day most of us still got work.
the rest of the photos are with SARAH! DARREN! NASHI! & SHAN!!
24 December :)
Went out with Alice & Mummy, go all the way to Sembawang Shopping Centre for Aston!

and it's been a very long time since Alice & I camwhore ... Those shoots make me think of the GIMME 5 contest!!! lol. Just nice .. five shoots!

After that meet this guy, :)

Jacky joined us as well.

and then.......
OMGOMGOMGOMG, I never take any picture from the night):
Summarized : Potluck fun, mahjong madness, till the next morning.


We went out with Lovely's parent and we opened our christmas presents for each other :)

*stay tuned for the making bread part*
I gave Lovely two of his favourite top from FOURSKIN.
then we happy happy go shopping unintentionally at Bugis BHG.

and I bought this watch which I really love!!!!!! Retro huh.
If you dont like it, nevermind it's not yours it's mine!

26 December

I tried out my xmas present! And it's really very fun but energy consuming. My first attempt was not that successful. lol. double face,somemore.

I made egg and mayo filling, ended up some got "squeezed" out.
FIRST BATCH, half done by me, half done by Lovely

then I compared to the box..... WHY SO MUCH DIFFERENT!?
then SECOND ATTEMPT. filling is ham & cheese instead..

not bad huh. we realised must use another kind of bread:)
Behind the bread-making....... we actually wasted so many bread!! We did try our best to eat them.

Alvin & the chipmunks 2!

I think it's quite nice!!!!! Maybe because they are so so cute.. especially theodore! lol. But there is alot of bad comment(s) about it. Like Lovely said it's too short! So watch it if you like cute things:)

and 27 December ,
I had a wedding lunch~ yes, not typo. It's really a lunch banquet!! It is so special.

Dont you just love going wedding banquet!? Dressing up & eating all the good food.. yum

What is a wedding without a wedding banquet!?!?!

Later in the night....
(My favourite expression)

 Lovely got to book in already): The 5 days 4 nights really end so fast. Blink Blink Blink. and it's over.

it's like honeymoon period all over again. and my love grow deep deep:)

argh. miss him all over again as well. ):

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