Thursday, December 03, 2009

Her scrub-up life is beginning soon.

Major Operating Theatre.
It's kind of scary to think of it now.
Good things :
Wear scrub suit
Fixed working hours (for at least 6 months)
Specialised skill
Aircon working environment

Bad things :
I might lose my nursing skills
I can't talk to my patients now):
 "Stuck" to theatre
I need maybe one year to be a independent
Now same thing : Orientation to the Operating theatre
Lectures all over again. and I dozed off again & again. People around me, "shocked" me to wake me up. Everytime woke up with a shock ): and become grumbly.
IKEA outing on Monday :)
we just love the food there and ordering so much isn't a problem. lol.

the inside joke of "filling-up" the photo . lol.

Yes, this is what we supposed to wear during work :)
with a mask, sometimes.

Okay, update soon.
Hope to be like sleeping beauty now.

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