Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Mr Forest please take care of him!

My November first post :)
This year passed really fast, next month is the last month of year 2009!
This year I missed halloween just like that, and November just sneaked in

Yes! We took neoprint!! :D

I used to be a expert in taking neoprints & decorating them!
and we laminate them on our own!!
Only to accidentally crumpled my own):
And we had mac two times for all these.

Unfortunately we didnt win anything... we were closed though.
Hope Mr Toh received this :)

I am missing this guy....

He is out in the field now.  6 days of no sms/call from him):
But I will see him real soooooooon.

Saturday please come fast... faster.

Been watching this, GOSSIP GIRL SEASON ONE

I always think the book is way better than the drama/the movie

with soup that dont look on photos.

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