Monday, November 09, 2009

Last week of her carefree life

This is so fun!(:
and I am quite addicted.
Thanks to Chan Lihao!

 Friday Lihao, Alice and I went to catch a movie randomly.
We really got quite freaked out by this movie!

After movie, we went back to the same old place.
Song Ruimin came and we chatted so late!
I DIDN'T SLEEP! cos Saturday there's practice and I can't miss it again.

But I think it's no longer the same... I miss Suyee, Wenshan and PeiQi.
We are closer and really practice together :)

Mr Toh was back on the weekend!
And he bought me to this place at Dempsey Hill for some sweet treats:)

This guy is not very botak already.
4 weeks more, and he POP lo!


Booking out on Saturday, Booking in on Sunday
Little time, but very happy as long as it's with him:)
I cooked DINNER again!
lol. but this time too salty already. Being a housewife isn't easy huh... need to think what to cook etc. Angry when family members not coming back to eat etc.
I feel so fortunate living at the East :)

Next week is the 16th November already!!
End of my freedom.
Say hello to my new working life.

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