Monday, November 30, 2009

Hello to her blogging mood :)

Last week is a hectic week.
Packed with work, practices, meet ups etc etc. And blogging mood is 0%.

Although I am very anxious about where I will be working for the next 1-3 years, but I still want to know!!! Hoping tomorrow! or Tuesday! So now it's still lectures & lectures & more lectures, sometimes it can be ultra dozing off. And in order not to dozed off. I did quite a lot of things, I eat chocolates/biscuits etc. Ended up got sorethroat. I drew and drew, also ended up bored. I played suduko, play & play & ended up brain-protest. I readed storybook, and managed to finished one book per week. I played Sally's Spa on my phone, till my phone everyday low batt. Irritating.

Some of the drawings contributed by Sarah!:)
Last week's busy-ness is due to the concert on 28th Nov 09 which is yesterday.
It's quite a success. (:
though quite rushy and tiring. Rushed over straight after work in the morning.
Lovely & Yaozong came to watch the performance, 1st time he saw me playing guzheng. lol.

The guzheng girls.

The inside joke of "zheng sian kong huo"
The two photos above credit to Tan Liang :)
Anyway I think I didnt play very well for this piece. hai.
OMGOMG! you see, the photographer is taking a picture of me!! My face sure look very fat from that angle -.- I HOPE HE WILL NEVER POST THAT PICTURE ANYWHERE!

photo credit to Geneviene :)
the photos with my guzheng, shaolong and melissa (:

Photos credit to Melissa's camera :)
Peiqi came over & I really think that she grown taller. I was about to scold her for wearing heels when she is already SO tall. and I saw her flat shoes. -.- She seems to be still in puberty, growing in progress.
And this is a supposely-only-guzheng-members photo which poped out two wanna-be-guzheng-members-too guys. lol.


So purple-ly.
All the sudden I have to urge to go take guzheng grading. maybe when I am more settled with my work, i shall do that :)

A flower from Wenshan and Suyee who came to watch our performance.

First time I received a flower after a performance!!

Was a high and hyper girl at the end of the night :)

Toh Jiarui had a long weekends but he wasn't feeling well ):
Fever, flu, cough, leg muscle ache, backache, cold sores.
Please get well soon. I feel so helpless, I cannot do anything to make him feel better, only to give him his medicines, water, apply the cream, help him paste the muscle patch, letting him rest. But he still haven't recover fully and he is back in camp already! ....
Hope Mr Lovely will be a healthy guy soon.

See, he still can make fun of me... lol.

This photo of Norin Chua looked so pretty :P

Skinny/flawless face and sharp nose and big eyes. lolololol
Photos can be deceiving.
tsk tsk tsk.

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