Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Ms Headache's visiting

Do you know Blogger is 10 years old already!?!?
Blogger is so old.
I still remember my first blog is created on 2004(!), and that time isn't consider "popular"
Now blogging is consider the IN-est thing.
And I am proud to be in the trend! hee.
Last week I had so many continuous of late nights/overnights ..
This week my body gave way a little.
Thankyou to Lovely for taking care of me when I was sick & grumbly.
To have fun, we do have to sacrifice alot of our resting time
My new phone!:D
Sony Ericsson C901 Peach Pink
I'm starting to love it more now.
Will blog with picture(s) taken by it next time!!
My holidays ends on the 16th November '09.

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