Thursday, September 03, 2009

It's melting fun!

Wednesday was a randomly day.
Because we went ButterFactory!!!!
Black frame glasses are the IN things.
Lovely look so geek-y nice with them!:)
It's a invitation from Karen, and we were almost perfect for GIMME5.
It was a fun but tiring night. And almost everyone got something on in the morning!
Went to help out at granny's house in the morning for the Day15 baibai.
all the folding and burning took up the whole morning. But one good thing about it, alot of yummy goodies!!!:D heehee.

Went to watched this movie 3D, with Lovely, Jacky, Ruimin, Alice, Jianwei & Melvin.
I don't know what to say about it. It is still the same disgusting and all. Most of us don't like its ending.
Tomorrow need to go to SGH HR office there! and it's so far for me!

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