Monday, August 31, 2009

Trying to act a china doll

I finally have my hair a little shorter!:)
Went to cut hair with Alice, although she last minute BACKOUT!
I still had my hair snapped..
 From this length ...
to this length:)
*I know I looked abit/very funny in the picture(s) above but that's all I have!*
Although I do miss my longer hair, but I have to cut them shorter cos my hair ends are too dry!! And my fringe is too messy messy so I had them short (yet again)
Time to love my new hair !
And did I say " 命中注定我愛你 " is totally obsession?!!:D
Lovely & I watched 6 episodes in one day, and only stopped when we are both too tired.
I love the drama, the songs and the actor! lol! 
Dear Stranger, if you're to link to my blog. please let me know .
Thank You!:)

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