Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Today my granny fell and is admitted to CGH. Went to visit her. Lucky so far all the scans done are okay, but because my granny hitted her head when she fell, they need to monitor her for 24hours. And you know what she asked us? : She asked about her bed number!! To buy 4D.. -.-  Good thing, my granny is very healthy, no chronic illness(es) and now she isn't in pain or anything. But just that she keep complaining of going home. My granny is so brave and just now, I realised she is really very skinny & small-sized.
Hope everything will be okay, and she will be discharged by tomorrow or Friday:)
Going to visit her again!
We were drunk.
LOL, just kidding but we do look drunk in the picture above.
It's a cute and funny candid shoot.
On our 24th, we didn't do anything special. Both of us were simply too lazy/slacky, but enjoying each other's company:) later in the night then we go out to find Paul & Vivo aka Jack aka Wai Thien
That day I was in the camwhore mood. Once start.. hard to stop!
Taken so so many pictures!
I guess Lovely can really tahan my camwhore mood, and play along with my crazy poses.
Silly photo(s) ! 
Yes, TokiDoki AGAIN!:) Alice's long sleeve white top!
I love this nicey puffs!!:D heehee. And there is an offer now!
Group-photo of that day
Lovely and his very cute student :) Steal it from lovely, cos i think he is really cute. Both of them!
Underwater photo!(:
I know Lovely misses him!
This drama is so nice, and kind of addicting:)
Running after it with Mum, Alice & Lovely!

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