Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Need time to blog

Recently life seems to be quite busy for me. Working for 5 days/a week, then off days I had so much fun plus work for OLAY'S. Working @ hospital on a Sunday make me feel that it's Monday, then Monday feels like Tuesday and Tuesday is like Wednesday, and Wednesday sound like Thursday & the list continue. Dates and all mixed up too! Can be quite confused though. Have to ask, "Today is Tuesday right?", "Today is 28th or 27th!?" . Good thing is ........... Next Thursday is my last day in the ward already!!!:D It's so fast, blink blink blink kind of feeling! 3 months sound so long that time but the past 3 months is almost over just like that! And I am going to be in another uniform soooooooon!! And I feel like sleeping everytime!!!!

On the twenty-four:) I prepared a mini book of coupons for lovely. For him to "redeem" his 20 little gifts. And we spend the day together. The number 24 means quite alot to us:)

Lovely cannot really cook, and yet he made the effort to wake up early to make breakfast. And the breakfast is really nice:D

Two pictures with the almost same pose but one without flash and one with flash.

Wanted to give him a surprise, bought him to Singapore Discovery Center, a place we always wanted to go and haven't been before. But it's quite a disappointment ... really a place to tell you all about Singapore. Lived up to its name, Singapore-Discovery Center. The 3D theatre is like freezer, the 3D effects is ok only and it make me sleepy! It could have been better!!!

Dinner @ one of the Japanese Restaurant in Iuma Bugis:)
I think the way of ordering your food is very cool! All you need is a pen! No more waiter/waitress standing there waiting for you while you think of what you want to eat! No more "Sorry, Can I change my XXX to ZZZ instead" when you want to change your order! And I think the food there are not bad, at least what we had that day are nice :)

And ended the night with really sweet-licious desserts:)

Mango Sago & Durian Sago . with loves!

........THANKS ALOT LOVELY.(Ruirae) (:
One month seems so long for us. But the second months is like so fast! Hope we will go through more months together. And still be loving, even more loving!:)
ruiraeruiraeruirae. lol!

Work @ VIVOMART, Guardian on the 25th:) For OLAY.
Ruimin introduced me to the job. But we're not in the same place): She's located at TAKA. OLAY holds a event whereby people can exchange for the OLAY Total Effects with their used moisturiser for "anti-aging" or "anti-wrinkes". This job let me witness the kia-su-ness of Singaporean Aunties & One Lady from China. Seriously very kiasu. I had to counterstrike them back! And say "wow" & clap to their thick thick so thick skin. Anything for something FREE.

This is drew by Huiling. (One of the girls I get to know that day)
I can't say it's fun fun fun. I made some friends though they are more like "hi-bye" ones. I stood for hours with my black heels. Must argued with aunties.

And I started to doodle on a namecard, an randomly auntie gave each of us.

Today I cooked!:D Though it look abit not very presentable, but it still taste not too bad. It seems like everytime I cooked, it will turn out this way. Ugly but tasty! -.- Need to work on the appearances already!!

** I am trying my best not to type short forms now! Must get used to it this way!! That time I wrote "alr" (- already) in my nursing report and the staff nurses cannot understand!LOL!:x

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