Friday, July 10, 2009

Finally I blogged.

I know I haven't been blogging!! Night shifts from 5th till 7th are not as cool as I thought it would be. I used to have this idea of being a permanent night shift nurse after gaining experiences. 4 working days, one sleeping day & restday+dayoff. AND allowances!:D After experienced night shifts, I guess maybe not. I didn't meet any scary/eerie incident and my nights are rather smooth. But I just dont like night shifts, work from 9pm till 0735am. then go home sleep, wake up eat then work again. And I feel that there is a time curse from 3-5am, where the time passed like a snail and you cant help dozing off. standard for three nights.

Lovely & I played those dolldoll machine. And we got this....

"Man dou" Rabbit:) and she is even holding onto one little man dou.
This is the xiao man dou biscuit :)

And then we got addicted to another machines, spending about $20 to catch it.Push it down to be exact. Finally it dropped down, and I decided to keep the one we "caught".

It got this sad pitiful innocent face la!! VERY ADORABLE(:

I love this new flavor!

Some random picture(s) from long ago.. (:

HO! Under water shoot :)

Watched this, with lovely. And I totally got freaked out by the lady in red. It's a movie really worth to watch!

Anyway I decided not to blog too much cos it's simply too many pictures & details to blog!!! And I have rashes outbreak, maybe due to prawns): and i love prawns! Eeeeeeeeeeeee. Face fat & Eyebags so dark and big):

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