My PRCP starts TODAY!:)
PRCP = Pre-Registration Consolidated Placement.
It is the final & most important attachment of all the student nurses. We will be working like a staff nurse, doing shift work for 3 months. Have to pass through it before we can graduate as a STAFF NURSE:)
JIAYOU everyone!!
Today till Wednesday are lectures & lectures to prepare us for the coming 3 months! I was really energetic in the beginning.. & slowly got bored .. then unwillingly dozing off at the back. I did write down notes & trying very hard not to dozed off.. IT'S HARD! -.-
One random thing(s) I did . :)
This handbook belonged to Eddry, designed by Alene & I!
Most of the lectures are meaningful, but some are sleep-stimulators!! I rather go back to the ward to work though. TWO MORE DAYS TO GO~:)
Can't wait to go to the ward to see what is my work schedules.
I've got the EXCO pictures from the previous gathering! :D
OMG, i miss them~
I hope I can join them on the 30th/31st May!

Post some up here first :)
Yesterday(180509) - My cousin got married!:)

Post some up here first :)
Yesterday(180509) - My cousin got married!:)

This is the only picture of both my cousin & his bride.
That night, I realised my cousin is in band & he blow the trumpet!!
that's how they know each other, for 8 years.
The food there are not bad, I love the wasabi prawns!!
Only korkor & I love that dish, we ended up finishing the whole plate as no one like it.
End the night with a awkward Jr! :x
End the night with a awkward Jr! :x
Some of my "zhilian" pictures!
Pimples couldn't stop poping after so many late late nights):
I know it's bad.. but I just want to enjoy myself to the fullest before I start my work.
And then I will work hard :)
I made a new friend:)
His name is DON.
He is a very cute little boy, he said he is almost 5 years old as his birthday fall on June. He got the cutest smile, with a very playful & friendly character. He said "mandarin" instead of "chinese". Got a very wild creativity.
One word : He is omg cute. ^^
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