Thursday, April 30, 2009

End today, Start today.

Attachment at New Horizon Center ends today:)
The things about working-so-nearby-home
Bad thing about it : I keep waking up late
Good thing about it : I can just ran down in 5mins time:)
We helped around, danced with the ahmas & ahgongs, talked to them, sang with/for them, listened to their stories, played with them. I even get to play mahjong!!!
There are alot of really funny incidents that happened too.(:
Summary : Quite fun.(minus i am sleepy)
Maybe I should go back there often to be with my ahgong:)

Recently got SWINE FLU.
And because of that, Singapore is in yellow/orange alert.
my PRCP might be postpone..
2nd and 3rd envelopes received.
Now the 4th one!!(:

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