Friday, January 02, 2009

phew.. another day gone(:

2nd day of th year is quite good(:
I feel a sense of relieve today.
Ok, from today onwards I shall find my blogging mood back!!:D

Went school as usual after breakfast.
Had fun in school with th usual people!!

Took this with my 2megapixel cameraphone.
then they complain why not take with Nisa's 5megapixel one.

Almost perfect!
Except that auntie who literally walk pass th camera-.-
lucky only her arm is captured.

Final pose!:D

and this three super-lame girls wanna take a picture
of them 'looking down' on my 2mp cameraphone-.-

Another week of school is whoooooosh gone.
and omg, what did I learnt in school?!
Holiday mood please leave me ........
and should i, should i not?

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